Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I have spoken at a couple High Schools one in Orlando, Florida and one in Portland, Oregon and have been by two different colleges to speak about my experiences with war. If anyone else is interested in having me speak about what I have seen and done (just as all of you read about it on my blog) I would love to know and hear about it. If things work out I will attend...

My email can be found on the Right hand side of my blog, or simply by emailing me at for those interested.

Take care,

Zachary Scott-Singley

Sunday, November 04, 2007


I monitor my personal stress by my reaction to people and events. As my stress level increases so do my responses to that stress. Things which especially set me off stem from my experience with combat in Iraq. When I am in a crowd I find myself stressed out and begin the almost automatic scanning procedures, locating avenues of possible attack (in the military these are called avenues of approach), escape routes, and looking for danger constantly by using a pattern of eye movements so as not to miss a possible avenue of approach.

Within a minute or so (depending on my stress level) I will have realized what I am doing and will begin to ramp down my stress level and response by thinking logically about the situation. I am not in Iraq, these people are not potential attackers and I am ok. I usually find a reason to leave when that technique doesn't work, and at those times when leaving is not an option (like at a busy restaurant after you order food but you haven't' paid yet) I usually get very irritable with my wife and kids which isn't fair to them.

These techniques are not the best methods but I live with them, what can I say, I am a product of this war now and must live with the lasting effects...