Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Should Say So

US army 'degraded' by Iraq deployments


Anonymous said...

Degraded. What a powerful word. This piece must make your heart ache. I read it and just shook my head in disgust. Your comparison to Vietnam just continues to become more and more true.

Just as our President refuses to watch the movie, An Unconvenient Truth, he will, no doubt, refuse to read Perry's letter.

We've got a real ostrich at the helm.


Anonymous said...

I work in the medical field and work with families to facilitate medical care in our area. I get calls from Walter Reed Medical Center to arrange for care for the wounded being sent home to the care of their families in our area. The numbers are huge. The news only shows the numbers of dead soldiers, not the number of these brave guys and gals being sent home torn to shreds, full of burns and metal. People don't realize, our troops are coming home, they are coming home to no parade, no fanfare, no reconition, just wounded and disabled. The wounds from these "road side bombs" are horrific. The number of disabled vets from this war is huge, and these guys/gals are so depressed. It breaks my heart!

Halla said...

Does Rumsfeld even have a clue what is really going on in Iraq???
What and idiot!!

Anonymous said...

This is a national tragedy. Our military forces have a remarkable history. They were led by George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower and other notable Americans. They brought the United States into being and later saved it. The military, like other social institutions has always been vulnerable to abuse and misuse. It has never been more abused and misused than now. Perhaps it is no wonder. It is being led by delusional egotists whose only military experience is a brief stint in the AirForce 35 years ago (Rumsfeld) and a brief period of training in a National Guard unit exploited by Rich Texans to keep their children out of Vietnam (Bush. I hope there will be growing public outrage about this. Soldiers must be equipped, paid proportionally to the value of their service (i.e. paid more than Halliburton contract workers) and given appropriate veterans' health care and other benefits. I know I am writing this for people who probably agree with me but I have to say it.

Halla said...

Right on Jana!!! Its too bad the presidential election wasn't held this year............